Webinar Recording: Global Lessons on Greening School Grounds & Outdoor Learning: Peru

September 14, 2022 Webinar

There is growing momentum worldwide to make school grounds greener as a sensible and thoughtful approach to increase climate resilience and improve health and education outcomes, especially for those most impacted by systems of inequity and environmental injustices. Hear from Joaquin Leguia and our Global Team as they share experiences and lessons learned during their on site visit. Joaquín Leguía is founder of ANIA, a Peru-based NGO working to promote active empathy for life and sustainable development through innovative initiatives that connect children to nature and empower them as agents of change.

This event is part of Children & Nature’s Inside-Out Leadership Series which serves to educate, connect, and inspire people at every stage of their career. Visit our events page to learn about other upcoming events!